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Blog: No regrets

It’s taken a few missed opportunities for Vice Head Prefect, Poppy (Year 12) to realise that you have to make the most of everything life offers you! If you don’t, you’ll regret it.

Flashback six years ago to 2014, when I was on Year 6 camp in Canberra. Besides a potential sighting of the Prime Minister, what we were all really looking forward to was going down the free fall slide at Questacon. When the day came, I put on the special suit and eagerly awaited my turn to go down the slide. Once I was finally at the front of the line, I shuffled onto the platform and put my hands on the bar, but I couldn't find the courage to take that one step forward and let go.

When I think of this year’s Prefect Initiative ‘Fear-less’, my mind always comes back to this moment. I was 11 years old and suddenly overcome by this unexplained fear of going down a slide. For the rest of the camp, I was consumed by regret. And to be honest, eve to this day I am a still a little sad that I never went down the slide at Questacon.

Sometimes, in order to conquer your fears, all it takes is a good dose of confidence. However, this is much easier said, than done.

If anyone has watched the YouTuber, Sarah’s Day, then you’ll know her mantra: Act confident and no one will question you. In Year 10, I adopted this mantra and would apply it to the simplest of situations. Whether it was asking a question in class or wearing a new outfit that was a bit out of my comfort zone. Things that could seem so trivial were once a really big deal. But when I faced my inner-judgement and stopped catastrophising, I found that everything was easier and a lot more fun.

At school, we come across these so-called scary situations all the time. Sometimes it’s being too scared to ask a question in Maths that everyone else seems to know the answer to. Fear a little less, I say. Put your hand up high, ask with confidence. You’ll get the answer and sleep well that night, I promise.

Apply this mindset to the opportunities around you. Year 11, if you’re still unsure about going for a leadership position, just give it a go. Otherwise you’ll regret it in the long run and will be stuck on the ‘what if’.

Sorry to bring up COVID, but there have been some great examples of ‘Fear-less’ moments over the past month. For some, learning from home was a blessing - let’s face it, trackies and endless trips to the fridge certainly have their advantages. But for others, there may have been some fear in the uncertainty of online learning and not seeing your friends and teachers every day. However, we have also seen people face this fear with acts of positivity, kindness and friendship. I think we all had a very memorable ANZAC Day, and some of us had ISO birthdays that we’ll never forget.

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” By starting small, you can get used to being out of your comfort zone, and eventually work your way up to facing your fear. Don't let your fears hold you back. Instead, have the courage to move forward. I wish I’d feared a little less and stepped forward at Questacon!

Thank you and good luck to Year 10 with your exam week!


Poppy, Year 12
Vice Head Prefect

You can view Poppy's speech