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Cosmic Connections

This Harmony Week, Languages Captain, Ulyssia, emphasised that we are each significant, unique and (despite our differences), deeply connected to one another.

Each week, our student leaders share their insights with their peers in Assembly.


My passion lies in the study of science; everything from the intricacy of microscopic entities that perform reactions and give rise to biological systems, to macroscopic concepts such as gravity, or an appreciation for the majesty of galaxies. Beautiful, right?

But in taking such a cosmic perspective, we humans can seem pretty small and unimportant. So, I implore you to pause, take a deep breath, and remember that despite the grandeur of the universe, you have great significance. Each of us has the power to make a difference, to leave an indelible mark on the world. I urge you to embrace your unique place in this tapestry of existence, for you matter more than you could ever imagine! Every single individual in this room, and on this planet, past, present, and future, is unique. That alone, is the most wonderful scientific discovery of all time!

However, it is so much easier to live passively, without interactions; to watch life, learn about life, and experience life, all from behind a textbook or a screen. We think we know it all but I have news – we don’t. The only way to start to fully comprehend and appreciate our diverse world is through experiences.

But I digress … I am not the STEM Captain but the Languages Captain, so now, I’d like to introduce you to the wonderful tool of language. In a similar way to science, the beauty of languages comes from their complexity and diversity.

Language was invented around 150 to 200 thousand years ago, and yes, it is still relevant! Learning a language is the ticket to participate in the culture of the people who speak it. Languages are the code to an infinite expansion of experiences. For example, my own study of Spanish led me to encounter the beautiful country of Chile … and I won’t even start on the other benefits of language learning, such as improved job prospects, cognitive power, social advantages, and the delaying of Alzheimer’s disease.

It sounds too good to be true, yet in our School, we have the good fortune to be able to grab these opportunities every day. But languages are so much more than a tool. They are also part of the much larger concept of identity. I don’t mean national identity – that can quickly foster division and confusion. No. I mean that learning languages can bring us together and help us to see that our individual identity is in fact, part of a whole.

Finally, as we are celebrating Harmony Week and the power of diversity, I’d like you all to channel your curiosity to learn about the different cultures all around you; to engage with the boundless, multifaceted individuality that we each possess. After all, there is no better way to “elevate” our community (in line with this year’s Prefect’s theme), than to celebrate it.

As my speech is now reaching the end, I’ll finish with en vous encourageant tous à maintenir votre curiosité! That is, by reminding you all to stay curious!